Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science
- The Department of IT & Mathematics was established in 2007, and since then, it has been actively engaged in imparting knowledge and training on various applications in the area of Information Technology both at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels and for certificate courses.
- Due to its up-to-date syllabi and faculty members who are dedicatedly and actively engaged in teaching and research, the department has a good record of its students getting job offers. The department has been providing company internships as well as in-house projects for the students.
- A number of workshops related to SPSS and Security have been conducted during the recent years.
- Being a core technical department, it has produced various software for the university since 2008. The department boasts of designing and implementing the entire campus computer network (LAN) on its own.
- Mr. Rupanka Bhuyan, Assistant Professor (Registrar)
- Mr. Oinam Bhopen Singh, Assistant Professor & HoD
- Mrs. Rashmi Ranjita Panda, Assistant Professor
- Mr. Akumlong Longkumer, Assistant Professor
- Mr. Kamal Hussain, Lecturer
- Mrs. Darshana Sarma, Lecturer
- To produce skilled and industry-ready IT graduates in the field of Information Technology to cater to the local as well as global need for skilled professionals.
- To constantly adapt to and impart up-to-date technical skills to the students.

Department of Library & Information Science
- ICFAI University, Nagaland instituted Department of Library & Information Science in the year 2013. The Department offers Post graduate programme. The programme is based on theories and practices of information acquisition, organisation, dissemination and utilization. It aims at helping students get the appropriate work experience and fit in the library and information careers of their choices. The department organises special lectures, seminars and workshops.
- Ms. Kikainla Yaden, Assistant Professor & HoD
- Chimanjit Reang, Faculty Associate
- The purpose of the Department of Library & Information Science is to stimulate interest in, participation in, and knowledge of all the facets of library & librarianship. The objectives of the department are as under:
- To meet the increasing demand for higher education and trained human resources in the field of Library & Information Science
- To cater to the students of the Northeastern India specifically Nagaland for education in Library & Information Science
- To provide quality education with practical based learning experiences
- To reach out to the student community and help them in their endeavour to study further and taking Library & Information Science education to people at their doorstep being the only Department offering this course in Nagaland.
- To provide meaningful opportunity for employment of young people in the field of Library and Information services by enhancing their knowledge base.
- To serve as catalyst and development of Library & Information Science education and contribute to create job opportunities for unemployed youths of the region.
Courses Offered
- Department offers the following post-graduate programme in Library & Information Science:
- Bachelors Degree in Library and Information Science(B.Lib.I.Sc)(1 year)
- Masters Degree in Library and Information Science (M.Lib.I.Sc) (2 years integrated Course)
- Master in Library & Information Science (M.Lib.I.Sc) (Truncated course, 1 year under Lateral Entry)
Computer Laboratory
- The department has a well-developed computer laboratory consisting of 8 computers connected to high speed Internet connection installed with the latest versions of KOHA as an Integrated Library Management Software, DSPACE as Digital Repository Software and other practical required softwares. Students are provided hands on experience in the computer laboratory with installation, customisation, upgradation and use of the softwares including harvesting data, importating data and exporting data.
- Curriculum related work books provided to the students: DDC 23rd edition, SEARS List 21st edition, AACR2R and others.