Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Department of English
- At IUN, identifying the individual competence and imparting a student-centric system of teaching-learning procedure is a primary aim of the Department of English. The department believes in appreciating the literary tradition yet keeping in touch with the contemporary status and standard of the discipline of English Studies.
- The Department of English offers Bachelors (Honours), Masters and Ph.D. programmes. It aims at teaching and carrying out research in both conventional and current areas of English Studies. In addition to conventional English Literature and American Literature Studies, it also provides in-depth knowledge into areas such as Cultural Studies, Language Studies and Literary Criticism and Critical Theory.
- Both the Bachelors (Honours) and Masters programmes cover different areas of English Studies beginning with the age of Chaucer, the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century, Romantic, Victorian and Modern British Literature; American Literature, Post Colonial Literature, Indian Writing in English, Literary Criticism and Critical Theory, the English Language and other aspects of English Language Studies (including Peer Teaching Practicals), Phonetics and Communication Skills.
- Ph.D. in English programme offers an opportunity for research in English Literary Studies under the mentorship of a faculty guide.
- Apart from academic courses, the department also engages students in extra-curricular activities. The department maintains a profile of organising educative talks by renowned literary personalities and academicians, theatrical performances and drama enactments, poetry competitions, and research-oriented activities. The aim of these activities is to encourage learning and help students acquire a better perspective of what is taught in the class.
- Currently, the Department has six qualified and efficient faculty members with research background and actively engaged in guiding research scholars.
- Dr. Azono Khatso, Assistant Professor (Controller of Examinations)
- Dr. Kevizonuo Kuolie, Assistant Professor (Associate Dean)
- Dr. Temsurenla Ozukum, AssistantProfessor, HoD
- Dr. Longchanaro Longkumer, Assistant Professor
- Sentilemla Lemtur, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Kikarenla Jamir, Assistant Professor

Department of Philosophy
- The Department of Philosophy, established in 2013, imparts knowledge on various systems of Philosophical thoughts to the Undergraduate students; although the faculty members are actively engaged in inter-disciplinary research and publication. The Department has a vision of graduating itself to the level of a Postgraduate research department, in the near future. The thrust area of the department is Applied Philosophy -- especially in the field of Bio-Ethic, Business Ethics, Philosophical Counseling, and Logic. The Department, being located in a predominantly tribal region, the Tribal Culture of North-Eastern region of India has been an integral part of the teaching and research activities of the department.
- The Students of Philosophy learn the art of logical reasoning and comprehension skills that are essential for success in all walks of life -- personal, social and professional. Philosophy also teaches the students the art of conceptual clarification, articulation, argument formation for effective negotiations, and the ability to frame sound decisions.
- On completion of the Undergraduate course, the student may opt for career progression in Philosophy, Theology, Management Studies, Journalism & Mass Communication, Counselling, and Psychotherapy, Law, and so on; or alternately look for teaching jobs at Higher Secondary Schools where philosophy is taught, work as Freelance Writer, Philosophical Counselors, and Business Executives, and such other professions. The Department has Faculty members who have the commitment in training students to explore the vicissitudes of life in a dispassionate, creative, analytic and positive frame of mind. The department offers a wide variety of courses in contemporary philosophical systems of West and East, continental philosophy, logic, ethics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, philosophical counselling, philosophical soft skills, and popular culture. Welcome to the Department of Philosophy.
Department of Education
- The department of Education was established in July 2013. The department offers Bachelors of Arts degree course in Education consists of six semesters in three years covering six course papers with optional selective papers. Under CBCS courses Department of education offers 2 Open Elective Courses: PE(O) 341 Principles of Education, and TE(O)351 Teacher Education.
- BA Education Honors have started since 2016-2019 session and offers a wide range of courses covering different related disciplines to education as Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, history, technology, etc. and also emerging trends like Women education, Human rights education, Peace education, Life skills education, Educational Management and Administration, Guidance and Counseling, Special education, Teacher education, etc.
- The Department is introducing MA in Education from 2021-2023 Session with the objective of preparing the educators and researchers who understand the principles, factors and components to guide and control the process of education thereby produce effective teachers and researchers to carry on the process of educating in the development of individuals as well as society.
- Mis. Retongkokla, Assistant Proessor
- Dr. Tiakala, Assistant Professor & HoD
Department of History
- The Department of History at ICFAI University had its inception in July 2013. The Department is committed to providing excellence in teaching and research. It is student focused and led by committed and creative academicians. Throughout the course of their studies, students will be introduced to different approaches and methods of history to help them evaluate and interpret the past. Innovative teaching methods and student-led projects ensure students to be motivated by the discipline they are learning, and help them carry their own research in the future. The Department offers history as one of the elective papers in the Undergraduate programme and has integrated CBCS (Choice Base Credit System) and offers two courses in the B.A. (semester 4&5). The Department also offers M.A. programme in history.
- The M.A. History Programme is designed to impart a comprehensive and analytical understanding of history of India and world history to students. The Department offers variety of challenging courses to equip students with the knowledge of the nature and purpose of history, historiography, historical methods, gender in history, military history. Other recent trends and themes in history such as Dalit studies and environmental history will be taught. It also offers courses in archival studies, archaeology and museology. Seminars, lectures and field trips are organised to further enrich the students with the knowledge of history.
- The faculty of the Department have actively published their works, participated in Faculty Development Programme, and presented papers on national and international platforms.
The Department at Present has three teaching faculty listed below:
- Dr. Resenmenla Longchar, Assistant Professor
- Mr. Yilobemo, Assistant Professor

Department of Economics
- The department of economics of ICFAI University was started as a sub-department under the Department of Management in 2007 with only one faculty member Rangalal Mohapatra. With the introduction of BA Honours programme, the Department became a fully-fledged department since June 2013. Since then, the department of Economics has been functioning with great success rate. In July 2020, the department introduced PG programme.
At present the following faculty members are serving under the department of Economics.
- Dr. Sumanta Kumar Mahapatra, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Imnasangla Ao, Assistant Professor
- Miss. Odimenla Jamir, Assistant Professor
- Mr. Keyipho Longkumer, Assistant Professor
- Miss. Pecuvinuo Kape, Assistant Professor.
Department of Political Science
- The Department of Political Science, a dynamic, and academically growing department offers BA (Honors), MA programme and Ph.D. programme. The courses are structured to provide students with a conceptual foundation in the discipline, an ability to critically analyse the omnipresence of the “political.” The various courses also aim to examine the nature, distribution, and dynamics of power-both at the macro level of national and international politics and at the micro level of the individual, family, and community. It also imparts them the requisite skills-through live projects, critical reviews of articles and assignments in undertaking research that can go beyond conventional disciplinary structures. The Department carries pride in its qualified faculty members who have varied experiences in teaching as well as in research.
At present, the Department has five (5) teaching faculty:
- Dr. Khrukulu Khusoh, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Elmie K Rengma, Assistant Professor
- Dr. J Nukshimenla Lemtur, Assistant Professor